Sarah Carusona

apprentice: August-October 2014
company member since October 2014

Hometown: Ottawa, IL

The best part about being a dancer with Hedwig Dances is…

taking part in the movement creating process. Instead of just regurgitating steps, I get to help create them.

If you weren’t a professional dancer you would be…

a full time personal trainer, or astronaut, or firefighter, or teacher, or doctor, or who knows?!

The last book you read was…

Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe

Which celebrity would play you in the film about your life?

Jennifer Aniston

Outside the dance studio, you can be found…

At the gym training clients, or at a café doing research.

What is your TV guilty pleasure?

Grey’s Anatomy

The three things you couldn’t live without are…

gym shoes, sweat pants, chapstick

What are you afraid of?


How did you know you wanted to be a professional dancer?

I saw “Riverdance” on PBS when I was 6 years old and I just knew I wanted to be on stage. I’ve never done Irish Step Dancing but I haven’t stopped dancing once.

If you could meet anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?

JK Rowling or maybe Leonardo DaVinci

If you became a millionaire overnight, what would be the first thing you would buy?

A boat so my family, friends, and I could get out of this cold weather in the winter.


