Jessie Gutierrez

company member since 2008
Hometown: Havana, Cuba

Which Hedwig Dances piece has been your favorite to be a part of so far and why?

So far it was Sawdust Palace Suite [choreographed by Susan Marshall in 2010]. It was fun and challenging at the same time.

The best part about being a dancer with Hedwig Dances is…

Being able to dance with my family (sister Maray and brother-in-law Victor) and great dancers.

Outside the dance studio, you can be found…

teaching or working at Target

If you weren’t a professional dancer you would be…

A musician or photographer

The last book you read was…

El Principito (The Little Prince)

What are you afraid of?

The sea. I’ll stay where the water is around me chest. I just don’t like the deep water. It’s unknown.

How did you know you wanted to be a professional dancer?

I think that comes by itself. When you start doing something that you like and then you realize…I mean, you’re very young but then when you start going through it and you realize that that’s what you want to be doing your whole life.

Describe your most memorable dream?

I always have these weird dreams where somebody is chasing me and you’re running around and you’re running as fast as you can. And I just wanna run away but I can’t. I’m stuck in place.

Tell me about the time you got in big trouble when you were a kid.

I remember I was in school and I went out with my friends after school and I didn’t tell my mom I wasn’t coming straight home. And she was so scared because in Cuba we don’t have any cell phones to say “Hey Mom and I’m going to stay with my friends for a little bit.” And I stayed out with my friends for a while and when I came home, it was dark already and my mom was just so upset with me!

The three things you couldn’t live without are…

Family – Food – Money (being realistic haha!)

Click to Learn More About Jessie


Jessie Gutierrez