Maray Gutierrez

Artistic Associate
company member since 2002
Hometown: Havana, Cuba

Which Hedwig Dances piece has been your favorite to be a part of so far and why?

Every Hedwig Dances piece has a special part in my life. Since I was part of the company, I enjoyed each of them as the journey of my life.

What is your favorite memory as a company member?

It’s funny in a way but it was memorable for me trying to understand what everyone was saying in English (in rehearsals).

What is your TV guilty pleasure?

Soap operas

If you could meet anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?

When I was younger it would have been Mel Gibson. He was my favorite. But I always wanted to be behind the scenes of a movie. So to see and meet people there would be very exciting.

Describe your most memorable dream?

One of the dreams that I have… that kept repeating through all my life from when I was little was being part human, part cartoon. Even when I was older, I don’t dream that every day but it’s still comes to me once in a while. And it’s always in my grandma’s house, where I spent almost all of my childhood. I wasn’t a cartoon though. I wish. But everything I see around me, like the animals, they were cartoons. Maybe it’s because I have a child inside of me still!

Do you have a secret talent?

My right hand does this double jointed dance. Just my right hand. I don’t know. I looks like a snake. Ever since I was little. I don’t know if this is a great talent but…hahaha.

If you became a millionaire overnight, what would be the first thing you would buy?

One of the things that I always wished to do is travel. But of course there’s always something like I can’t do it because of work. I can’t do it because of that. So it’s like if I had that kind of money I know it would be simpler. I would like to go to Egypt and Japan, China. I’d love to see the culture there. I’d love to go to Brazil. Or Venice. Just places I’ve never been.

Tell me about the time you got in big trouble when you were a kid.

One time my mom said, “You have to bring Jessie [Gutierrez] (her little sister) to daycare.” So I bring her to daycare. She was so little, around 8 or 9, I left. And as soon as I start walking, she starts crying. And I saw her and I started crying too. She started saying “Don’t leave me! Don’t leave me! I want to stay to with you.” So I couldn’t. I went and took her out of daycare and they told me “No no! Your mommy told you to drop off your sister.” And I said, “I don’t care.” I didn’t really get into trouble but I didn’t do what I was told either.
Another time there was a day that I left home because I wanted to see Victor [Alexander] (her now husband and fellow Hedwig dancer). I was a little older but I was still young. I left and I told my parents I was going somewhere else but I instead I went by myself to Pinar del Rio, Cuba to see him. That was my adventure. And before that I never went anywhere by myself. I went the whole weekend and I had a teacher who was a friend of mine cover me. But my parents found out and I was in BIG trouble.

The three things you couldn’t live without are…

My son – My husband – My Breakfast


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