Odbayar Batsuuri

company member since 2014DSC_9677a

Hometown: Choibolson, Mongolia


What is your favorite memory as a company member?

Performing at The Dance Center of Columbia College Chicago with the Cuban company DanzAbierta


The best part about being a dancer with Hedwig Dances is…

Becoming friends with very nice people in a very positive environment.


Outside the dance studio, you can be found…

learning English, exploring, photography, cooking


If you weren’t a professional dancer you would be…

chef and photographer


The last book you read was…

The Photographer’s Guide to Photography


Which celebrity would play you in the film about your life?

Tom Hanks


Describe your most memorable dream?

I never actually dream the same dream over and over. It’s always something different and it always disappears after a couple days.


Tell me about the time you got in big trouble when you were a kid.

When I was ten years old, I was hanging with my friends and we broke a lot of windows. For no reason. We just threw rocks at them and then ran away. We did it a couple different times and in a couple different places. And one day, we thought it was going to be the same as before and we threw rocks at the window but then a man comes out of the building yelling, “Hey you guys! I know you kids! You always break my windows!” Then he brought me to my parents and they had to pay for all the broken windows.


The three things you couldn’t live without are…

Family – Friends – Job